
I’m Andrew, a UX/UI Designer born and raised in the Bay Area with a background in molecules and excel. I strive to learn about others experiences and guiding them to simpler solutions. Although I learned a lot through choosing the practical route, my desire to do Design has always brought me excitement and passion.

Growing up I knew I had two passions, either help people physically recover from their injuries, or live my life behind a computer in an awesome cubicle. I learned a lot during my time with Biology and Accounting, but there was always something missing, a side of me that I felt was dimming. After some self-reflection and research, I found the field of UX Design and knew immediately that is where I belonged. A field that not only focused on helping people with their needs, but all done from behind a computer.

Design has always been at the forefront of my favorite pastime. Since grade school and growing up in the digital era, I was deep in graphic design and photoshop creating layouts or album artwork as a way to express my creative nature. I’m ecstatic to finally be choosing a path that truly makes me excited and never dreamed I could align my career with something I loved. As I’ve immersed myself into yet another field, I’ve found myself applying everything I’ve learned from my previous experience and bringing it to life through a new medium.

Once I stumbled on UX Design, I knew I had found the career path that would bring me joy each day. I strive to bring user-centered products with thought, empathy, and excitement.